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"Andrea" wrote: Dude:

2) tree auto-open feature is on the way… wait a few days 🙂

a) use the search
b) the circled tabbles are "combineable"…
c) try and use Tabbles like you use explorer, double click inside the tabbles in the "body" and advance by double-clicking: Tabbles is generating in real-time a tree of tabbles and is only showing you what is combineable (i.e.: tabbles that if combined will output a non-empty group of files).

b) + c) are VERY powerful, way more than the previous thing… please give it one more try! 🙂

P.S.: we’re extremely busy right now…I’m working on the manual

Thanks for your answers. I understand you are busy and this reply is my last post for today :).

Auto open feature in tabbles workspace will help.

I used combined tabbles and this idera is good, but all this ‘explorer like’ idea is totally alien for me, because I don’t use explorer at all. I use google desktop search and file manager (really FAR). I don’t think explorer interface is good usability example, really.

Best regards and thanks for patience.