Search results
Create the page "Andrea" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- First type in your username (in the pic it's "Andrea", but it can be whatever you want). ...urizio ''are circled - Tabbles is telling me "there are Business cards for Andrea and Maurizio but not for any other people in the list". All the tabbles in102 KB (17,029 words) - 19:33, 24 January 2024
->.*\.avi$|.*\.mov$|.*\.mpg$</nowiki> || matches .avi OR .mov OR .mpg || Andrea ..."Great_Britain", "Great-Britain" (along with the rest of the UK) etc. || Andrea6 KB (907 words) - 11:36, 14 May 2018
- ...tellt werden - Tabbles erklärt damit "Es gibt hier "Business cards" für "Andrea" und "Maurizio" aber für sonst niemanden in dieser Liste".34 KB (5,030 words) - 08:58, 21 September 2017
- ...$|.*\.mov$|.*\.mpg$</nowiki> || trifft zu auf .avi ODER .mov ODER .mpg || Andrea4 KB (562 words) - 09:00, 21 September 2017
- ...estan encerradas - Tabbles me esta diciendo "Hay Tarjetas de negocios para Andrea y Maurizio pero para ninguna otra persona de la lista. C:\Usuarios\Andrea\Downloads\CentOS-5.5-i386-netinstall.iso38 KB (6,315 words) - 09:01, 21 September 2017
- ...>.*\.avi$|.*\.mov$|.*\.mpg$</nowiki> || Calza con .avi OR .mov OR .mpg || Andrea3 KB (502 words) - 09:03, 21 September 2017
- ..."Maurizio"에 동그랗게 표시됩니다. 이것은 여러분이 현재 "Andrea"와 "Maurizio"의 명함은 가지고 있지만 다른 사람의 명함은 <item client_id="andrea-vaio@iEfHfprRSGaroVxmeZ3Mxg" path="C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My cl56 KB (1,709 words) - 09:08, 21 September 2017
- <item client_id="andrea-vaio@iEfHfprRSGaroVxmeZ3Mxg" path="C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My cl51 KB (1,930 words) - 17:07, 21 June 2018
- ...rculadas - o Tabbles está me dizendo que "existem Cartões de visita para Andrea e Maurizio mas não para outras pessoas na lista". Todas as tabbles no corp <item client_id="andrea-vaio@iEfHfprRSGaroVxmeZ3Mxg" path="C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My cl64 KB (10,564 words) - 09:09, 21 September 2017
- <item client_id="andrea-vaio@iEfHfprRSGaroVxmeZ3Mxg" path="C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My cl C:\Users\Andrea\Downloads\CentOS-5.5-i386-netinstall.iso84 KB (6,141 words) - 09:14, 21 September 2017
- ...fill the tab '''Administer database''' as in the picture (obviously, swap "Andrea" with your username, etc). The login should be automatic afterwards. ...urizio ''are circled - Tabbles is telling me "there are Business cards for Andrea and Maurizio but not for any other people in the list". All the tabbles in81 KB (13,503 words) - 12:56, 8 June 2018
- ...fill the tab '''Administer database''' as in the picture (obviously, swap "Andrea" with your username, etc). The login should be automatic afterwards. ...urizio ''are circled - Tabbles is telling me "there are Business cards for Andrea and Maurizio but not for any other people in the list". All the tabbles in81 KB (13,507 words) - 17:08, 21 June 2018