Home Forums General discussion Whoa! 1.1.5 took away view modes Reply To: Re: Whoa! 1.1.5 took away view modes

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Two things here and I hope I can express them in a way that makes sense…;

Saw a thread where someone in linking up a file was used to looking for the tabble they wanted under a particular category rather than using the auto-complete function. (love autocomplete, btw! saves alot of time) My quibble comes in when creating new tabbles on the fly when linking in a new file. For instance,I have ‘agencies’ one color, ‘people’ another, document type (legislation, memo, poll, etc) a third, etc. I use probably a dozen different colors and at times end up opening a color (on the link screen) to be sure I’m adding the new tabble to the right color.

Perhaps there is a way we could simply attach a displayed name to the color?

Appreciate the work on adding snap-to-grid, and I can see where that may be problematical in the ground floor display when you include tabble scaling. I’d wonder if you couldn’t add snap-to-grid as a toggled option?

Also, as I used categories as more of an arrangement help, couldn’t a stripped down variation of categories be used? Basically an ability to corral or contain a group of tabbles. User customizable size and placement. When doing that you can restrict the grid to the panel so it will not force formatting on other tabble groupings one may have to the horizontal or vertical. Just a thought.