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Sorry for the delay.

When the partition size changes, you need to run the following script.

Suppose partition with volume serial number 0CED08AF has changed size from 451577638912 to 278768590848. Then, the script to run in Sql Management Studio is:

use tabbles;

update [file]
set diskId = '§0CED08AF§278768590848'
where diskId = '§0CED08AF§451577638912';

Of course you need to find the three values (volume serial number, old size , and new size). You can discover volume serial number and new size by right clicking the disk in tabbles, then

folder menu > advanced > “see which disk contains this file”

you can discover the old size by right clicking a file with the “unplugged” icon, and then

advanced > “see which disk contains this file”

Important: Backup your tabbles.mdf file first!