Home Forums Feature requests Tagging of external hard disk for use on two PCs Reply To: Tagging of external hard disk for use on two PCs

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  1. install sql server on only one pc.
  2. install tabbles client on both pcs.
  3. configure sql server to accept connections from both pcs.
  4. make sure you can login to tabbles from both pcs with the same tabbles user.
  5. attach the external hard disk to pc #1 (with drive letter, say, G:\).
  6. from pc #1, tag a file in the external hard disk with tabble “test”. Suppose its path is G:\foo.pdf.
  7. detach the external hard disk from pc #1 and attach it to pc#2, with letter, say, H:\
  8. log in to tabbles from pc2, open tabble “test”.
  9. you will see the file from the external hard disk. its path will be H:\foo.pdf.
  10. if you double click the file, it opens normally.